The anti-corruption enforcement landscape in Asia is changing. In the past, advisors, investors and corporates were primarily concerned with the long arm of the US Department of Justice and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act when evaluating the risk from bribery and graft. But a new dynamic is emerging across the continent: the spectre of increased domestic enforcement amid an evolving regulatory and political landscape.
From Myanmar’s new foreign investment regime to China revising its commercial bribery laws, risk profiles are widening. The motivations behind these changes are manifold—genuine attempts at reform come intertwined with political calculation as governments seek to maintain legitimacy and silence critics.
The most high-profile anti-corruption campaign in recent years has been in China. While local government officials have the most to fear in the immediate future, it is inevitable that organisations doing business with politically exposed persons in China will get caught up in the enforcement surge. Meanwhile, Singapore has cracked down heavily on financial institutions swept up in the scandal involving the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB.
PaRR provides forward-looking analysis and breaking news that allows lawyers, investors and corporations to better identify future risks and sidestep the pitfalls that lie ahead. In addition, our editorial team attends the most important anti-corruption conferences across the globe giving readers insight into the thinking of government anti-graft enforcers and emerging policy trends.