WASHINGTON – In the face of Brexit, competition law in the UK is undergoing massive change. “We are looking to scale up the size of our organization,” says Simon Constantine, policy director for the UK Competition and Markets Authority. In this interview recorded at the 2018 annual ABA’s Spring Antitrust Meeting, Constantine also explains how the UK is establishing channels to conduct parallel investigations with other jurisdictions, including through evidence and data sharing.
WASHINGTON – Developing new digital resources, improving channels for inter-jurisdiction investigations, and increasing resources for an anticipated spike in the number of cases soon to be reviewed is how competition authorities in the UK are anticipating the impending Brexit deadline, according to Simon Constantine, policy director for the UK Competition and Markets Authority. In this interview, recorded at the 2018 ABA’s annual Spring Antitrust Meeting, Constantine also discusses how his agency expects to remain active in the European and International Competition Networks, calling them “useful forums for discussing the kinds of enforcement challenges that we all face.” by Whitney McKnight