WASHINGTON – Pragmatism, standardized methods and transparency are three key priorities for the International Competition Network (ICN). “We’re very practically focused,” says Randy Tritell, who directs the Federal Trade Commission’s office of International Affairs, and who is an active participant in the work of the ICN. “We’re not a think-tank,” he says of the global consortium of jurisdictions dedicated to fair competition policy in this interview recorded at the ABA’s annual Spring Antitrust Meeting.
WASHINGTON – Prior to 2001, there was no meaningfully organized way for international jurisdictions to collaborate on sharing and developing best practices in competition enforcement. As a founding member of the International Competition Network (ICN), the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) helped fill this need, according to the FTC’s International Affairs director, Randy Tritell. “There was no place for competition officials to get together and discuss the challenges we all face, at an agency-to-agency level.” Since its founding, the ICN has spearheaded several initiatives to help create an international gold standard in competition enforcement, expand transparency during investigations and work with private organizations to better understand the frontlines of the various marketplaces affected by antitrust laws. “We think we’ve done a pretty good job getting people on the same page, emphasizing consumer welfare and the economic basis of antitrust,” says Tritell in this interview recorded at this year’s ABA Spring Antitrust Meeting.
by Whitney McKnight