09:00am Opening remarks 致欢迎词
Traversing trade winds: The future of US-China business relations
As trade tensions increase between Washington and Beijing, how will China react to this changed environment? Given the disparity in potential tariffs open to China, will there be an asymmetrical regulatory response from China and how might this affect foreign companies operating in the country?
- Outside of tariffs on US goods, what other regulatory options are available to China as it responds to US trade sanctions?
- How will the restructuring of China’s merger control regime affect deals requiring approval in China?
- How will China use its existing national security regime going forward?
- What sectors or technologies should cross border deal makers pay particular attention to?
Navigating hostile waters: What does CFIUS reform mean for Chinese investors?
Recent legislation on foreign investment rules has shed some light on specific changes to the CFIUS process. However, the next 18 months will likely see US regulators rewrite the rulebook on how Washington reviews foreign investment from a national security perspective, creating further challenges for Chinese and other offshore investors.
- What are the most important changes to the CFIUS process dealmakers need to know?
- What sectors/areas require a new approach by investors?
- What alternative strategies should Chinese investors consider in the US?
A changing landscape: Evolving FDI regimes in the EU and across the globe
Protectionism is on the rise. From Brussels to Berlin to London, governments are reassessing how foreign investment is screened. This panel will discuss the changes underway and how they may impact Chinese investors.
- How “national security” has evolved to mean “national interest” and what asset classes now present higher risk?
- In light of current and proposed regulatory changes in Europe, which countries are more attractive for Chinese investors?
- What role do cultural issues such as language and negotiation style play in the success or failure of cross-border deals?
- How can investors best structure their deals to successfully navigate these regimes?
- The future of US-China business relations
- What CFIUS reform means for Chinese investors
- Evolving FDI regimes in the EU and other major global markets